The 8 Best Men's Skincare Tips

Men’s skincare and routine is just as important as it is for women. We have come to exalt the female as the paradigm of beauty. Which leads us to a very fascinating question – What of the beauty of the human male? We’re all aware of the vast differences in the way society expects the sexes to age but let’s take a look at some things that really affect men and women differently. If you’re a man and proactive about your health and appearance then pay attention to these changes to help you age gracefully. With so many natural forces on your side to age well you’ll just have to put in a little care and effort. A skincare regimen can be as complex or minimal as you like, however, there should always be a baseline routine and there is no exemption for men! If you take some of the grooming advice it will guide your skin to be smooth, hydrated and refreshed. You’ll be on your way to having (and keeping) your best skin ever too.


1. Boost Your Hormones Naturally

Hormonal changes are more gradual, unlike women we experience changes quickly with decline. The male testosterone levels decline slowly over time. However, depending on your overall health the lowered testosterone can happen faster and bring on things like ED, reduced libido, hair thinning and hair loss and even changes in sleep patterns.

Just like testosterone HGH is imperative, it’s human growth hormone and is a healing peptide hormone considered to be the “Mother Hormone” made in the pituitary gland and is probably the most misunderstood hormone. It stimulates cell reproduction and cell regeneration. It gets depleted and starts to decline by age of 25 and after age of 30 is non-existent. This also needs to be stimulated to communicate to other hormones and systems in order to stay healthy. This product has HGH and immune boosting herbal ingredients that benefit the body to reduce cortisol (that bloody stress hormone) which weakens our immune system. HGH is supportive and when activated the results get you deep, restful sleep, thicker hair, mental focus, fat loss, especially belly fat, improved mood and an uptick in your libido and stamina.

High levels of stress are bad for your long-term health and can reduce your testosterone levels. All forms of exercise like weight lifting and high-intensity interval training are the most effective at increasing your levels.

2. Protect From The Sun

Even though men are less susceptible to the signs of aging because testosterone levels actually help thicken their skin, making it about 25 percent thicker. Men also have more collagen density, a slightly rougher texture and more natural moisture to their skin because they typically sweat more and have more lactic acid in their sweat. However, I’ve found men to be less skin and sun-savvy, and the choice to go without some sort of regimen and protection means you can age prematurely. Especially, noticeable around the eyes and forehead over time. With just a little effort and discipline you can maintain youthful skin and age well.

Wearing sunblock is important for everyone, regardless of age or gender. UV light is the biggest aggressor for the skin, not only does it increase your risk of skin cancer, but is also causes your skin to prematurely age. When UV rays hit your skin it responds by producing melanin in order to absorb harmful UVA and UVB rays, this is what causes your skin to tan. When your exposure has exceeded through the years it causes deep lines, wrinkles and discoloration. Luckily this damage is easily prevented by regularly applying SPF, especially outdoors and a higher factor of at least SPF 30/50, reapplying during activities like golf, beach, park and hotter summer months and seasons.

3. Start Following A Skincare Routine.

Keep it simple but make an impact. One of the most common skin concerns is complaints about skin feeling dry. Your typical causes that can add to dry skin like climate, age, not drinking enough water, over-washing and medications. Too much screen time will often exacerbate it, usually it’s drier from neglect.

It’s important to keep the skin soothed and moisturized especially if shaving daily to avoid ingrown hairs. At the very least, a daily gentle cleansing followed by a moisturizer and spf (as needed) will maintain suppleness to the skin.

4. Don’t Neglect The Eyes

This is the most noticeable area men start to age prematurely. The under eye area is the thinnest and most delicate area of the skin. There are no oil glands, and is ultra susceptible to dark circles, rings or shadows. As we age, the skin thins from reduction and loss of fat and collagen, which can also impact the color, creating reddish-blue blood vessels to be more apparent. Dehydration from medications or the medications causing UV sensitivity. Even hormonal changes can have an affect of how the skin reacts here. It can become sensitive, extremely delicate, and prone to wrinkling. Repetitive actions, such as squinting, rubbing your eyes, and vigorously drying out and touching your face will be irritating.

Night is an essential time to renew your mind—and recharge your skin. Think about adding this wrinkle eye serum, and lotion before bed. It creates a softer, more hydrated, and better-looking skin the next day. It also helps seal in moisture and repairs the skin barrier that’s compromised. Volume loss and hollowness become apparent even in younger men. This ACTIVE FACE CREAM helps plump up the delicate area and regain it strength and shape.

If your a minimalist the Adipeau Cream is your solution. The cream is able to regenerate fat cells to create volume and smooth out hollows and plump up those problem areas in the face where sun, heavy exercise and aging has caused a decline. Use it all over as a cream mask. Let it soak in and wipe off excess or use it in the troubled areas where your noticing some volume loss. Typically around the mouth or the under eye, nose cheek triangle.

5. Use Light Therapy

In only 10 minutes, it’s the quickest way to rejuvenate the skin. The faceLITE is clinically proven to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles fast. An age-management system using Infra-Red & Red Light Therapy. Post treatment skin feels softer, smoother and rehydrated. After just one session your skin will feel plumper, more hydrated and instantly rejuvenated. Our LED facial mask is an easy to use, portable, non-invasive treatment, which requires no downtime. Results increase over a treatment period 3-5 x a week over 4 weeks.

  • It is easy, comfortable, light to wear, rechargeable and wearable; allowing you to move around freely.

  • Sits directly on the skin, enabling more effective light penetration and enhanced results.

Beauty devices aren’t just for women. You can have fun, relax and get great skin! You can also explore the HeTAMA microcurrent device specifically for men’s skin. It’s a sophisticated technology that lifts and tones the skin.

6. Don’t Pick At Your Skin

Frequent picking can irritate existing sores and even cause new ones to form. This can cause additional scabbing and lead to scarring. This continued picking can develop into a condition called skin-picking disorder, or excoriation. If your dealing with irritation post shave and tend to get bumpy or break out. Pat away the irritation. The WASH is an excellent cleanser and doubles as a shaving cream. Despite achieving the smoothest shave, it still traumatizes skin at a microscopic level. As the razor pulls at the outermost layers of the skin, it can then be susceptible to cause redness and irritation. To help avoid this, the Hydrating Tonic Essence is water-like in texture and doesn’t carry a fragrance. Enriching the skin with a blend of soothing botanical extracts, this essence is the perfect post-shave treatment.

7. Get Facials

It’s the 21st century and great skin health should no longer be a less-than-thought-out option, even in your grooming routine. Investing in your skin, diet and lifestyle all circulate to be a 360-degree wellness experience that should be implemented into daily routine. Regular facials can help guide you with your unique specific concerns, keep the skin in optimum shape and help with age related issues and or stress management. BOOK A FACIAL!

8. Avoid Sugar & Processed Foods

Nutrition is everything for skin health and radiance. The inflammation that happens when you eat foods or drink alcohol with a high-glycemic index can worsen certain skin conditions. High-glycemic foods such as white bread, soda, salad dressings, candy, and other baked goods contain refined and processed sugars and starches that cause your insulin to spike. Limit your intake of alcohol which can also dehydrate the complexion and cause premature aging, weight gain and a bloated belly. Each step towards real, wholesome, delicious foods reduces your risk for chronic disease and increases your ability to feel and look great.⁣⁣A 360 approach for the skin and body means it needs many cohesive parts to function to look + feel your best. Need help with food or sugar cravings? Read this blog post to get started.

Happy grooming! Don’t forget to share and leave a comment.

