What is Micro-Needling?
Micro-needling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a popular, non-surgical skin treatment that can balance skin tone and help reduce pore size, wrinkles, and scars. The treatment can be used safely on all skin types and requires little to no recovery time. The procedure takes about an hour. Within days, you should be able to see overall improved skin appearance as a result of the treatment. Micro-needling also readies the skin for the deep absorption of the product applied during the procedure, which helps boost and accelerate noticeable effects. The superficial micro-channels created allow topical gels, creams, and serums to be absorbed more effectively into the skin, including:
Hyaluronic acid serums
Skin lightening products
Growth Factors & Antioxidants
Vitamins and Minerals
How does Micro-Needling work?
Micro-needling uses ultra-fine needles to create micro channels, or tiny holes, in the skin. The process stimulates the skin’s natural ability to heal itself by producing collagen and elastin. The repair process begins almost immediately, and the final results can provide thicker skin and softened wrinkles and scars. Dermal needling is the only rejuvenation treatment that maximizes the penetration of essential cell nutrients and maximizes the release of growth factors associated with the positive aspects of wound healing simultaneously.
The Micro-Needling tool contains sterile, disposable micro-needles that are gently glided across using stem-cell-derived exosome, growth factors to further facilitate the area being treated, creating micro-channels of controlled “injury.” This injury stimulates the production of the skin’s own repairing collagen and increases absorption of the skincare ingredients/products applied as part of the procedure.
What is Micro-needling Skin Rejuvenation’s Goal? Every skin rejuvenation should keep this in mind!!
Optimize cell function
Preserve the integrity of the epidermis
Strengthen dermal/epidermal junction (DEJ)
Preserve dermal papillae
Break down Scar Tissue
Release epidermal growth factors (EGF)
Increase natural collagen: transforming growth factors-B3 (TGF-B3)
Induce Regenerative healing
What are the common areas treated with Micro-Needling?
The technology is versatile and can be used to improve skin appearance on many parts of the body, including the face, neck, décolletage, hands, and arms. It can be used to help skin look better by reducing and even eliminating acne scars, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, fine lines and wrinkles, and even hair restoration.
What is the procedure for Micro-Needling?
Micro-needling is a minimally invasive procedure that is used for skin improvement, and it works on a similar principle to laser skin treatments except it doesn’t damage The needling device delivers tiny pricks that can stimulate the natural healing process, creating smoother skin by helping to minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars. It’s a quick, simple, and pain-free treatment that provides results by stimulating the skin’s natural production of collagen and elastin, the important building blocks of healthy, radiant, and youthful skin.
What does the Micro-Needling procedure feel like?
The Micro-Needling device’s high-speed motor causes needle penetration to occur quickly, feeling more like a sandpaper sensation than needle sticks. Depending on the areas being treated and the depth of needle penetration, patients may experience stronger sensation. Micro-needling is most often performed after a numbing cream has been applied to reduce or eliminate any possible discomfort or pain.
What can I expect after Micro-Needling?
Micro-needling causes no tissue destruction. The microchannels created in the skin close quickly, and the healing response begins almost immediately. Depending on the depth of the skin defect, you may see only redness after the procedure, or you may experience some pinpoint bleeding, which stops almost immediately.
What will my skin look and feel like after Micro-Needling?
A Micro-Needling procedure can cause redness (similar to a mild sunburn), light swelling, a stinging sensation, and a bit of tenderness. These effects can last a day to several days, depending on treatment depth, and the redness is usually easily camouflaged with makeup. Most patients can return to work and normal activities immediately following the treatment. You can apply gentle products and at-home Exosome serum to encourage the rapid start wound healing phase.

What is Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning uses a 10 gauge scalpel to gently scrape off and exfoliate the outer layer of dulling dead skin cells and remove fine villous facial hair commonly known as “peach fuzz”. It can be used as an alternative to chemical peels or microdermabrasion or along with these procedures for an enhanced result. Performed by a licensed and experienced aesthetician, this procedure produces an immediately more radiant appearance. Following this treatment, makeup application is smoother and other skin products penetrate deeper making them more effective.
Who should do Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning is a great choice for most skin types and anyone who has fine facial hair (“peach fuzz”), extremely sensitive skin or rosacea (diffuse redness and/ or visible facial veins) that can’t normally tolerate chemical exfoliation. The only skin that probably shouldn’t be treated with dermaplaning is active acne-prone skin. Oil from the sebaceous glands needs to travel up along the vellous hair to be excreted. If the hair is removed the oil builds up and the glands are blocked causing even more breakouts. In addition, anyone with numerous raised lesions or an allergy to nickel should not be treated.
How often can I have Dermaplaning done?
Since Dermaplaning removes about 3 weeks of accumulated dead skin cells, it’s best to wait about 3-4 weeks between treatments.
Is Dermaplaning painful?
The procedure is painless and there is no associated downtime. Makeup can be applied immediately afterwards. The use of sunscreen is strongly recommended to prevent hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin).
Will the hair grow back thicker?
Peach fuzz is the fine translucent hair that you can see if you look closely at a woman’s face. This type of hair, also called vellous hair, is very different from the coarser hair you see on the head and under the arms. Because vellous hair is so fine, it is not possible that it will grow back thicker. In fact, over time I’ve seen it come back less and less.

What is LED?
This professional grade light-emitting diode device is for the treatment of periorbital wrinkles and pigmented skin. It helps reduce pore size, improve skin tone and texture and gives a vibrant, healthier looking skin after just one treatment. It’s a natural, non-invasive, painless treatment suitable for all skin types and conditions.
How does LED work?
Using two clinically proven wavelengths of light 633nm or red light and 830nm or near infra red light. These wavelengths have been shown repeatedly in clinical studies to be absorbed by cells stimulating ATP, the energy source of the cell and and a cascade of cellular processes that stimulate collagen and elastin production and improve blood flow and tissue oxygenation helping skin cells absorb topical skincare products. In addition red and infrared light helps reduce inflammation, accelerate wound healing and help reduce brown spots and pigmentation.
Is LED safe?
Yes, the LED device is tested to an international standard demonstrating its safety. Because LED used doesn’t expose your eyes to the light it’s less uncomfortable and less claustrophobic than traditional salon LED systems and you won’t need to wear eye protection.
Is LED different from Laser?
Yes, it is non-ablative, meaning it does not cut, burn or break the skin surface. Lasers work by using heat and this heat causes trauma within the skin that creates a wound that then repairs. This means that after a laser session, your skin will be very red, often painful and you will peel. The recovery time is anything from 3-10 days with a laser treatment.
Who should do LED?
Because LED creates no heat it’s suitable for all skin types, and is clinically proven to treat fine lines, hyperpigmentation, improve skin tone and texture and reduce inflammation.
Can I combine LED with other treatments?
Yes, it will enhance and accelerate the results from other treatments. You can combine with existing facials, peels, dermaplaning or microneedling. Even if you’ve had fillers or a laser treatment you can come in to reduce downtime. Because the LED system builds healthy skin from the inside out it compliments other treatments that work in other ways.
Can LED be used on other parts of the body?
Yes, the face panels can be used to treat the neck, décolletage, hands and other parts of the body, such as the abdomen. It can be combined with other body treatments.
Is LED claustrophobic?
No, unlike other LED systems that surround the face the device used in my treatment is specifically designed to deliver a comfortable photofacial to the skin, it does not cover the eyes or feel heavy on the skin. The LEDs used are the first of their kind to deliver two wavelengths at the correct energy from one diode, making the device lightweight and enabling treatment times to be reduced to just 10 minutes.
Does it matter that my whole face isn’t covered by LEDs?
No, light therapy works through primary and secondary mechanisms so even if the light does not cover a specific area, cells will still be stimulated in this area because of the biochemical cascade that takes place within and between the cells.
What results can I expect from LED?
After a single photofacial you will see firmer, tighter skin with a reduced pore size and skin will feel softer and smoother due to the instant hydration and enhanced absorption of the ingredients in the Hydrogel Mask. Your complexion will look more vibrant and fresher due to the increased blood flow, tissue oxygenation and increased cellular ATP.
How long do the results of LED last?
Results can last for several months following a course of 4 LED photofacials. However, maintenance sessions are advised to ensure longer-lasting results.

What is gemstone heat therapy?
The Inframat Pro is a gemstone heat therapy mat that is designed to facilitate better wellness of the body. In a sense, it is the next evolution of the heating pad. Contrary to the cheap and inefficient heat of a traditional heating pad, the Inframat Pro utilizes gemstones to channel deep penetrating heat 4-6 inches deep into muscles and tissue. The Inframat Pro conducts several natural therapies that work together harmoniously to provide one comprehensive experience. The use of the Inframat Pro provides advanced natural therapies, ultimately leading to increase in overall well being.
What is Hot Stone Therapy?
Uses the placement of heated stones on the body to help relax tight muscles and increase local blood circulation where applied. This is a form of therapy commonly found in spa settings. The hot stone therapy offered with the Inframat Pro, however, is a much more complex process. While you get all the typical experiences associated with hot stone therapy, these benefits are greatly amplified by the gemstones incorporated in every mat. The Inframat Pro is available in many different models that use a combination of tourmaline, jade, or amethyst. These gemstones are natural conductors of far infrared rays and negative ions when they are activated by the heating technology. These additional processes may help improve the effects your body will receive from hot stone therapy.
What is Far Infrared (FIR) Therapy?
Far infrared rays are a necessity to all living life. The main source of FIR is the sun. Using an Inframat Pro exposes you to these rays of invisible light when the heating technology activates the natural gemstones. These rays penetrate 4-6 inches into the body’s tissues. The benefits can include increased oxygen movement, decreased pain, inflammation, and stiffness. FIR therapy promotes relaxation that leads to higher levels of wellness. One way to receive FIR is saunas, however, these saunas are expensive and sometimes inaccessible to people. Each Inframat Pro comes with a foil blanket that can be used to trap the heat as you use it to recreate this sauna-like effect.
What is Negative Ion Therapy?
Negative ions are abundant in nature and vital to wellness. Just like stepping away for a breath of fresh air, a dose of negative ions can shock your body with a refreshing jolt. Negative ions attract harmful positive ions and pull them down to the floor, reducing the number of airborne toxins you are exposed to on a daily basis. As a result, negative ions work to improve your wellness and help with the removal of harmful metals from your body. Negative ions used in conjunction with FIR stimulate the body from the inside to rapidly increase the speed and quality of other forms of treatment and recovery.
What is Photon therapy?
Uses light particles that can help correct bio-magnetic imbalances in the body as well as help reduce blockages within the body’s systems. It has also been shown to help the cells break down and release stored up toxins, promoting better overall wellness. Photon therapy has been used for years as a supplemental non-medicine pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. HealthyLine Inframat Pro models that have photon light therapy are equipped with 6-12 LED lights that emit red photon light on the body. It is important not to block the light from making direct contact with your skin or else its full effects will be blocked.
What is PEMF Therapy?
PEMF, or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, is a process of applying magnetic fields of a particular frequency to the body. HealthyLine bases its PEMF technology on the variables that have been proven to be effective based on the majority of studies which is a PEMF at 7.83Hz (or approximately 8Hz), 3000 milligauss, and using a pulsed sinusoidal wave. This combination brings maximum effectiveness with simplicity and reduces complications. It is also the combination that is most in line with Earth’s natural magnetic field mimicking its frequency & intensity which is most compatible with our bodies’ natural biorhythms. It helps the body return to the proper level that the Earth has accustomed it to for years.
How do the Gemstones in the Inframat benefit me?
Without the incorporation of natural gemstones, you would not receive the benefits of far infrared rays or negative ions. This would simply be a normal heating pad. The gemstones function as enhancers of these properties, tailoring the experience with their particular traits. All gemstones included in the Inframat Pro boast wellness benefits, but depending on the stone, you may experience different results. That is why we make so many different models that include different variations of stones. We have some that consist of one stone, some that are a combination of two, and then some that even use three or more. The more stones you included in your model, the more range of benefits you can experience.
What are the benefits of Amethyst?
Amethyst is a purple stone that has been used in medicine since ancient Greece. It is a natural conductor of FIR and negative ions. It is known to have calming and stress-reducing effects that make it ideal for meditation and calming practices. Amethyst has been known to enhance the body’s ability to help with sleeping trouble, undergo detoxification, and boost cell regeneration. The amethyst we use in our mats in crushed finely to resemble sand. This makes it the softest of the stones we use and by extension the most comfortable. Amethyst is typically very expensive, but because we purchase it in large quantities, we are able to bring its soothing powers to you at a reasonable price.
What are the benefits of Jade?
Jade is a stone made up of two components: jadeite and nephrite. This often greenish stone has been used since prehistoric times. It may have been first used for medicinal purposes on the Asian continent as early as 3000 years ago. Jade is also a natural conductor of FIR and negative ions. It is a great stone to be used with other stones because it is known to amplify their effects.
What are the benefits of Tourmaline?
Tourmaline is said to be a magical stone that protects those who covet its powers. It is known to help to detoxify tissue and body systems. It also emits far infrared and negative ionic energies. In fact, tourmaline has the highest negative ion out output out of all the stones we use. These properties help tourmaline to revitalize energy levels.
What are the benefits of Obsidian?
Obsidian is the only stone that we use in our mats that doesn’t produce FIR or negative ions. This is why we do not offer any products that are solely comprised of obsidian. The reason we use it is that it has a history of being used in medicine. The jet black color of the stone is believed to draw all negativity to it, both physically and mentally, protecting the user from any harm. Obsidian is a very powerful support gemstone, amplifying the effects of other stones it is around. Tourmaline and obsidian will provide an energizing effect. Infusing obsidian with Amethyst leads to improvements in relaxation and loosening of tense muscles. By extension, you can experience temporarily improved levels of local blood flow that will boost your wellness levels.
What effects do the combination of amethyst, jade, tourmaline, and obsidian have?
Combining the effects of amethyst, jade, tourmaline, and obsidian provide a tremendous wellness-boosting experience. These stones help to conduct the energy of your body and properly distribute it to the areas that require the most attention. All of these elements together pack a powerful punch to tension, muscle spasm, and pain.
What symptoms does the Inframat Pro help to temporarily alleviate?
Local circulatory problems
Headaches, including migraines
Chronic Fatigue
Breathing ailments such as COPD
And more!

What is JetPeel Technology?
JetPeel’s transdermal infusion technology is unique in that it combines compressed gases (air, medical O2 or CO2) with active ingredients or biologics (sterile saline solution, skin and hair serums, alpha and beta hydroxy acids, Platelet Rich Plasma or exosomes) to form a subsonic jet stream of microdroplets.These droplets are then delivered up to 4 mm (1/8”) deep into the skin at a speed of 447 mph (720 km/h), without causing any injury to the epidermis.
How do the ingredients penetrate the skin?
The jet stream stretches the skin surface forming the signature “JetPeel dimple”. The skin’s water micro-channels (Aquaporins) are opened and enabling hydroporation of highly active, nutrient-rich substances via micro-droplets delivered deep into the dermis. The active ingredients or biologics can penetrate deep into the skin, reaching the reticular dermis. Once the pressure subsides, the skin surface levels out, the micro-channels close, and the skin nutrients disperse homogeneously between the tissue’s collagen fibers.
Will I be red and how long to recover?
There is no wait time – the direct delivery deep into the dermis creates results that are visible on the same day.
The device uses no needles, and there is no skin breakage at all. This means that treatment is 100% pain free, does not lead to scar tissue, and requires no recovery period or downtime. You can immediately go about your normal routine as soon as the treatment is over. Best of all, the results are clinically proven and visible, and – combined with the relaxing and rejuvenating treatment experience.
How many treatments do I need? How long do the results last?
The results are instant with one treatment! Long term results and deep changes to the skins appearance depend on several factors; age and skin quality/condition. Your concerns and commitment will determine the amount of treatments and what solutions are used in the treatment to get you the results. We build the results within the skin cell life cycle (which varies depending on age) Within a series, especially when treating, wrinkles, pigmentation , acne and hair thinning/loss, it’s recommended to come every week to every 2 weeks for sessions. Once the results have been obtained we want to keep them with monthly maintenance as you would any other facial.
What are the JetSolutions?
Low viscosity skin and hair nutrients – JET-Solutions – have been especially formulated for the JetPeel device to ensure easy transport though the fine nozzles of each patented hand piece and maximum penetration into the skin. These therapeutic skin nutrients must also be able to hold up to the high pressure and speed of 720 km/h (447 mph) without losing their integrity and potency.
This perfect synergy of JetPeel’s patented hand pieces and special skin and hair nutrients allow for consistent and effective treatment results.
JET-Solutions have been formulated by physicians and are manufactured in Italy exclusively for JetPeel devices.