8 Ways To Stay Calm In Crisis


QUARANTINED-DAY 13: 03/26/20

Isolation: the state of separation.

Scholars say that being alone is a deadly dangerous condition. Being socially disconnected does pose a health risk, as humans we need touch and connection to thrive. But what about if your life depended on retreating and distancing for a short time? What if the real thing we were fighting was OVERWHELM, and healing from this required isolation? What if this period of isolation and shift could be favorable to us? Alone time to pause, breathe, and reconnect. Reconnecting with our bodies and mind. In our over-stimulating and hyper-connected environment, it’s easy to slip into a state of chronic stress. Over time, feeling overwhelmed can lead to anxiety that hijacks our attention and keeps us stuck thinking about what we might be missing. This period requires us to look at the solitude of the mind. Instead of the constant self-soothing and looking for an escape. This is an endurance test. It’s a place most try to avoid. It’s a place you can’t escape the things you don’t like about yourself. The things haunting you! The things you’ve failed to accomplish. I believe the time is now in the comfort of your own home to begin to make a mental, emotional, and more energetic space for yourself. With the proper skin + wellness essentials you'll be guided to reset and face any overwhelm with ease. Come out on the other side of this horrible event with a total transformation!

Overwhelm: A powerful energy designed to increase consciousness.

The threat of overwhelm at the moment is a virus. However, I believe the whole world has been in turmoil and fighting overwhelmed for a long time. Overwhelmed by our planet, the environment, the economy, hate and violence. Overwhelm to our health and well-being. Let’s add your daily/life stressors and overwhelm. This is a lot of energy to react to, isn’t it? Before COVID-19 there was already a threat to public health—our mental health. More stress and fatigue are being impacted by this virus and the pandemic is a backdrop for worry. The distress we are feeling now is just being enhanced and brought forward by the energy that is coming our way. I believe when faced with a challenge it’s important we approach it with a sense of ease and calm. More stress and fatigue are being impacted as excitation occurs and more disorder will follow. It can be easy to slip into fear and despair about the unknown. The fear that surrounds us is fueled by the media and fed by our natural desire to protect ourselves, family, and communities. We’ve been programmed and hardwired to react negatively in times of threat. The reason for this is that negative events have a greater impact on our brains than positive ones. Psychologists refer to it as “negativity bias” and it can have a powerful effect on our behavior.

In my own experience when dealing with crisis, if I shifted my perspective and became an observer rather than a participant in the chaos everything around me became clear and quiet. What I know is it’s critical to make our health and well-being a priority during any challenge. It’s of the utmost importance to create more exuberance and stability within. When you enhance vitality you’re vibrating at a higher level of consciousness therefore positively influencing those around you. When I began to slow down I began to heal and regain strength and power in mind and body. I could make rational decisions. It gave me insight into what was truly important to me. I couldn’t have done this without retreating—getting quiet, doing less, and making my health a priority. I believe not all storms come to disrupt some come to clear a path. What if this virus is here to help us? To RESET? Take this as an invitation to go inward and reconnect with yourself. Recommit to your self-care and inner-balance. This is the ultimate test of your mental strength and faith.

“Gratitude is the Ultimate Intelligence”

How to Stay Calm in Chaos:

First, take a moment to pause and take a few deep breaths. Allow light and love to flow into you. All you have to do is remember that your breath is your lifeline and your connection to the DIVINE. It’s always there for you. NOW focus on one thing at a time.


    You are a whole being. This means everything is connected. No system works alone and though anxiety may start in your mind, it can trigger very real physical symptoms like headaches, chest pain, an increased heart rate, dizziness, etc. The effect of worry is more lethal than the worry itself. It’s a silent killer and often these physical symptoms can heighten your anxiety. Be still. Find a quiet space and focus on your breathing. Inhale slowly and deeply, pause, then exhale. If you are finding it hard you can use a daily CBD oil OR aromatherapy to encourage your receptors to start modulating the body to calm down. One of the best books I’ve ever read is “The Body Keeps Score” by Bessel van der Kolk M.D. (Author) and so many other wonderful healing self-help books I recommend here in my Amazon storefront.


    Get a physical activity. This allows us to utilize stress hormones more positively and productively. Moving triggers the release of endorphins that help us to feel good and boost our sense of accomplishment. Even when we can’t solve the problem, taking some sort of personal action like a short burst of exercise or just taking a walk in the park, reconnecting with nature can tame the mind, reduce stress, and help us think more clearly. Explore the right movement for your body and personality. I love walking, hiking, climbing, yoga, and weightlifting HIIT-type workouts and dancing!


    Stop trying to meditate like a monk. This is about slowing down and “interrupting” habitual patterns that are detrimental to our state of well-being. Through greater awareness in developing a regular practice, you begin to notice moments when you’re out of breath, when your mind is racing, and when experiencing certain feelings and sensations repeatedly; which is often the sign of a harmful thought pattern. I encourage getting centered and focusing on your breath. Holding a crystal, mala beads, or “worry” stone as pictured in this post will give your mind something to attach to while calming the breath. Buy yourself a new crystal for the home. Diffuse essential oils that calm the environment and or a plant to help calm your mind. I love these in my Holistic Lifestyle edition on my Amazon store.


    It’s a good time to take inventory of how healthy your lifestyle is. How healthy are you? Do you maintain a healthy diet? How much caffeine or alcohol do you consume? How much sugar do you have? Are you a smoker? Do you set aside time regularly to exercise or give yourself mental breaks? Are you sleeping well? Do you take supplements? Do you have genuine relationships? How often do you connect to the outdoors? Neglecting to keep a healthy balance in all these areas can be more harmful than we realize. Start slowly taking baby steps adding in better choices and crowding out what’s not helping you feel vibrant. Health coaching and staying connected virtually are available to help you navigate through any confusion. No need to tackle it alone!


    It just has a positive physical effect on any language and culture. It can produce direct biological changes— reducing heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels. When we vibrate sound we are tuning into specific frequencies of consciousness with specific waves. This is why the age-old mantra chanting- known as “kirtan” is a powerful valuable tool on the spiritual path. Sound current is valuable. Sing, chant, dance, and listen to music to your heart’s content!!


    Another important way you can create to help you find your purpose would be helping others. It’s not just a cliché or a dream that will never be fulfilled. It’s a tool for a better, happier, healthier life that too few people attempt to use. For me when I was feeling defeated and in the throws of crisis being of service always helped me find deeper meaning in my life. Move the focus away from you and focus on listening and seeing where you can uplift and help someone else.


    Try and find gratitude in the challenges because within them there is always a lesson and blessing. Fill your heart with appreciation and gratitude for all you have in this life. Every experience has a gift and blessing attached. It’s just a choice and willingness to allow your body to receive this feeling and ultimately receive more peace, comfort, and joy. We want safety in trying to understand the answers to things that just don’t make sense. Our humanness wants to control outcomes. When we release the need to control we can enter into a greater service of love. We can surrender and be connected deeper with our faith and feel more protected by spirit. I guarantee you’ll feel more optimistic.

Sending Loving Kindness,