Astrological Insights for November : Scorpio New Moon

New Moons signal beginnings. Given that this one is in Scorpio—and yesterday we experienced the first of the exact squares of Pluto and Saturn—what is being planted for growth is likely an outcome of having let go of something else. Reflect upon what it is in your life that you have found to have become outworn, something that you have released or are considering releasing. Envision what it is that you would like to create in its place, something that can transform your life so that you can experience a greater depth of joy.

Scorpio represents that which is hidden, the unseen. It’s not that these things necessarily have to be kept in the dark, it’s just that we usually “don’t want to go there.” During a Scorpio New Moon, subjects considered to be taboo may rise to the surface. If your natural reflex is to turn a blind eye to these, allow yourself to just contemplate them for a moment, even if at a distance. You may end up finding them a great source of learning, even if it’s more clearly understanding what it is that causes your aversion.

As this New Moon squares Neptune, we’re likely to be swimming in tidal pools of compassion. This may open us up to feeling even more deeply than we already do, whether to our own or others’ joys or sorrows. With this planetary combination, we may also find ourselves either extremely enchanted or disenchanted with someone or something; keeping both your heart and eyes open to see things as clearly as possible is very helpful to so as to avoid floating away with either of these feelings.

This month’s New Moon falls at 25 degrees of Scorpio (Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of a New Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Scorpio or the other fixed signs—Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius—it may impact you more intensely.

(Written by Stephanie GailingSource: Planetary Apothecary)